Posts Tagged With USA USA USA

Fuck the Supreme Court


That's it. There's no joke. If you can, you should donate to people helping deal with this catastrophe.

Participating in Democracy


The beauty of our system is that whenever an issue affects you, you can simply vote and instantly see the change-- wait hold on, maybe I just need to vote again, harder.



You ever get invited somewhere that turns out to be a different vibe than you were expecting altogether?

Tax season is a little late this year, but that means we're right on time with patented tips to help make it as painless as possible.

WNV has decided to pivot from jokes to serious, in-depth analysis. From now on, all our posts will be detailed explainers on topics that we know our big-brained readers will appreciate as purely intellectual exercises, starting with today's totally hypothetical...oh. Oh geez.

Doodoo Diligence


Even during trying times, it's important to follow regulations. Wait, what's that? We threw them all in the trash? Well, remember to have fun then.

This is the same rationale I used to get drunk when I had the flu in college. It didn't work then either.

Guide to 2020 Candidates


Can you believe it? After a solid start of three full years, there's less than a year to go until the 2020 US election; it's practically right around the corner! We've done the deep research and distilled it all down into an easy to read guide so you don't have to.

Officer Boot


Protecting and Serving can be hard work, but with the careful application of justice where it's needed, there can be-- oh god oh no oh fuck

Every four years, nations big and small, rich and poor, terrorist-y and non-terrorist-y set aside their real-world differences to instead battle for glory on the pitch. Even the US, despite never having won one, still vies for the coveted cup, and needs our support to help make it happen.