Posts Tagged With butt stuff

The Good News


A reading from the book of Thug the Younger

The Buttfer


Fatherhood is a unique life experience in which you attempt to pass along all the hard-earned knowledge of your life to your children, but also like, really fuck with them at the same time.

Vertical Integration


Everyone has their embarrassing hobbies. For some of us, that's making a website full of dumb jokes; for others, it's a love of big tech. And for a certain guy named Ted, well...

Vacation Is Bad, Actually


Summertime means vacation time, right? Wrong, you dolt! We expose the truth about vacations that we all know, deep down inside: they're bad! Thanks to us you won't waste another minute doing anything dumb like relaxing or enjoying yourself.

The Dark Ritual


Finding someone in this world can be hard, especially when you have such high standards.