Posts Tagged With death by WNV

Another year almost over, and we need some help finishing up this self-evaluation thing. Can you give us a hand here?

Aw, geez we really goofed up this one. The whole dang site’s broke! Look at this mess. Are you busy? Can you help us out here for a minute?

We told you it wasn't over, we told you there would be more. But did you listen? No. And now it's too late: Volume 2 of Dunwich Dopes has arrived.

Y'all ever create an artificial brain based on a guy who hated your home town so much he invented the genre of cosmic horror and then let it boss you around for a month? No? Haha, uh, yeah, neither have we.

Welcome Back WNV
That's right, we're back and ready to fill your various feeds of choice with our own special brand of nonsensical horseshit. After a very brief hiatus - approximately half a decade - we've decided that now was the time we'd been waiting for to return to the world.

It's been a while since our last post, so we thought we owed you all a bit of an explanation. Things around here have been very busy lately, and we haven't been keeping up with our previously rigorous post regimen. Here's a list of the ten most important things that have been keeping us from you all this time.

West Nile Virus
Warranty Now Void is an internet vigilante. We are not always the hero you deserve, and honestly? We're almost never the hero you need, either. Today, against our better judgement (and also 3 very sternly worded court orders) we are going to take a hard look at West Nile Virus, or as we've affectionately taken to calling it - wast niel.