Posts Tagged With it didn't go great

WNV has decided to pivot from jokes to serious, in-depth analysis. From now on, all our posts will be detailed explainers on topics that we know our big-brained readers will appreciate as purely intellectual exercises, starting with today's totally hypothetical...oh. Oh geez.

Doodoo Diligence
Even during trying times, it's important to follow regulations. Wait, what's that? We threw them all in the trash? Well, remember to have fun then.

This is the same rationale I used to get drunk when I had the flu in college. It didn't work then either.

Dog Diet Tips with Stormy!
Let's face it. Your boy? He's a little chunky. You successfully bought his love with snacks and loyalty with treats. But now, those little legs are straining to keep a pretty girthy sausage from dragging along the sidewalk. It's time your boy lost some weight.