Posts Tagged With superpowers

Ranged Combat


Our friends at Unnatural 20 have allowed us the honor of providing them with a guest comic. So of course we made a dick joke. I mean, have you met us? It was either this or Putin.



We all hate waiting in line for shit. Well, except the British. Queueing is kind of their thing. But for the rest of us, we today present a fantasy that we've all had one day or another.



Not all of us can be lucky enough to have powers like flight or x-ray vision. Sometimes that radioactive spider just doesn't bite, and you have to make do with what you've got.

Superpowers, part 3


In the thrilling climax of the Superpowers story, our hero finally realizes his full potential and faces those who challenge everything he stands for.

Superpowers, part 2


Our hero awakes to find that his world has changed drastically. Things that were once there are now replaced by a vast blue nothingness, interrupted only by the occasional puffy whi- oh. No, shit. That's just the sky. Someone help him up.