Posts Tagged With makes no fucking sense

We told you it wasn't over, we told you there would be more. But did you listen? No. And now it's too late: Volume 2 of Dunwich Dopes has arrived.

Y'all ever create an artificial brain based on a guy who hated your home town so much he invented the genre of cosmic horror and then let it boss you around for a month? No? Haha, uh, yeah, neither have we.

The Creative Process, Part 2


Some may think that coming up with the idea is the hard part, and it's all just gravy from there. Some would be dumb fucking idiots who don't realize what a gold mine they're sitting on.

The Creative Process


We get asked where our ideas come from all the time by, like no one ever. But you're going to find out anyway, so suck it up and get your doodlin' pad ready, because, man have we cooked up a good one to share.



Are you tired? I bet you're tired, aren't you. You know why? Because you didn't sleep enough last night. You know what? Neither did I. But I'm not here bitching about it, unlike some people. Nope, I stayed up late working on this very review, just so you'd have something to read while you're not sleeping.

Pants Shopping


A follow-up to the previous comic, this took about six and a half months to produce, and we had no idea what we were doing the entire time. Is it funny? hard to say. Maybe stay up for a good solid semester or two and then come back and let us know.