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Going to the Dentist is a pretty strange experience overall. If I wanted to pay someone to berate me for my lack of hygiene, I'd just buy another mail order bride. Or at least I would if my mouth wasn't still completely numb and everything I said on the phone didn't sound like "bbbbbhffffftabnt."

Répondez S'il Vous Plaît


Today brings an average "slice of life" of the creators of WNV, a portrait of the wholesome and completely normal interactions that make us who we are and give us the motivation to do what we do.

Mysteries Of The Orient


This one's not so much a joke as it is an appeal to whatever shreds of human decency still cling to Pope's psyche. Please stop. There isn't enough bleach in the world for me to ever be clean again; you win, so please... please...



I've never trusted snapchat, but up until now it was due to my overpowering fear of ghosts.

The Sweet Reward


Halloween was fun, but now that that sweet and spooky sugar high has worn off, it's back to reality. Good thing we didn't overdo it last night, right guys? Guys?

#BearFacts: Halloween Edition


After the wild success of the US Fish & Wildlife Service's BearFacts initiative, millions were left demanding more, and Uncle Sam once again came to WNV to inform the public, and we delivered in our typical highly effective and well-researched fashion.

A Different Kind of Wonder


Wonder trade is an interesting social experiment. Generous players try to send out useful or rare Pokemon, while others try to pawn off shitty ones in exchange. Sometimes shirking your responsibilities as a trainer has karmic repercussions though, and there's always gonna be someone out there shirking a little harder than you...

The Only Realistic Outcome


Carpentry really isn't our forte, and that is especially apparent in this 66% true story about Scawt's recent move to a new apartment.



The question of whether video game violence causes real violence is a popular one lately, thanks to the all new Grand Theft Auto V. Here at WNV, we try to be fair and give both sides a ch- nah who am I kidding. It's a stupid question.

#BearFacts: Volume 1


Did you know that bears are the only reptiles that can use swords? Neither did we, until we read this helpful infographic that was definitely produced by the US Fish & Wildlife Service, the first part in a continuing series where we take a look at one of nature's most mysterious forces: the majestic bear.