Posts Tagged With classic wnv

To-Do List
Today we take an unprecedented look into Pope's daily life. We see his priorities and how he manages his complex schedule in order to get done the things that most need doing. And pancakes. Lots of pancakes.

Making Friends in Class
Our college days may be well behind us now, but the lessons we learned will be with us forever. Take this one, for example. The best way to handle new friends at an unexpected hour.

New Pokemon
Scawt discusses his opinions of the hundreds, or thousands, or no, wait I'm pretty sure it's fucking billions of new Pokemon that the youngsters are playing with these days. Spoiler alert: they suck and everyone hates them.

Deleted Scenes
The Rock (no, not Dwayne) is a classic film starring two classic actors in the roles of their lifetimes. I watch this movie on a bi-weekly basis, or whenever I have an important event coming up, like a job interview. This deleted scene does slightly change the tone of the movie, though.

A Love Story By Scawt
The true measure of a webcomic's success is clearly measured by its ability to recycle content and slap some new text onto it, calling it a brand new comic. We would never do that. I swear.

We all hate waiting in line for shit. Well, except the British. Queueing is kind of their thing. But for the rest of us, we today present a fantasy that we've all had one day or another.

Not all of us can be lucky enough to have powers like flight or x-ray vision. Sometimes that radioactive spider just doesn't bite, and you have to make do with what you've got.

Safety First
Staying safe while still having fun is a delicate balance that today's comic is an attempt to capture. We hope that this tragedy can serve as a lesson for the future, and our dear readers can avoid such a terrible fate.

Row Row Row Your Boat
Words are powerful, and language can be complicated, but amazingly effective at communicating even the most abstract and obscure thoughts. It is a force that is truly majestic and should be treated with the utmost respect. Or used for dick jokes. Whatever.