Posts Tagged With classic wnv
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Your Tax Dollars At Work
This isn't a joke, they actually did this. Well, the first part at least. In 2009 NASA crashed a rocket into the Moon in order to kick up dust and look for water. We felt that this was a perfectly legitimate strategy and honestly think it has much wider application.

The first guest contribution from friend of WNV Chris Collins brings us the true story of how best to maintain a good relationship with one's girlfriend.

In The Navy
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I???ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I???ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed dicks stapled to ceiling fans.

Physical Education
Alternatively: WNV Goes to High School and Insults our teachers. We'd be worried about Mr. A actually seeing this, but he'd probably be proud to be a wrench: the bro-est of the tool kingdom.

Black Hole
This comic was published years before the LHC and the inevitable doom it will be bringing to us all became common knowledge. Just think about that for a minute. I think Scawt might be an oracle.

Scawt often likes to take out his frustrations about his lack of video gaming skills in comic form. We hope you will oblige him by commenting with great detail on the kinds of things you did with his mother last night, to make sure he feels the true online gaming experience.

Delicious Dots
Join us on a journey back to where it all started, the beginning of the end of sanity on the web, the very first, incredibly low resolution, hand-drawn WNV comic. It's kind of funny, I guess. If you're into wanton murder and theft.