Posts Tagged With parenting

PBS Kids


Now that Disney has purchased the US government and PBS is all part of Marvel canon, they've been auditioning their attempts at the next Thanos-level villain with mixed success.



Welcome to your new role as one of the most despised members of society. Here's your lanyard.

Parenthood Singularity


Being in a marriage with a pregnant woman while not also being pregnant yourself feels like being the new guy who lied on his resume trying to fit in on a well-trained team as it springs into action.

Energy Drinks


If we could get a product together that can help me retain consciousness without all the weird toxic masculinity power fantasy bullshit, that would be simultaneously incredibly lit and also based af.

Teen Slang Parents Need to Worry About


Teens using cool teen slang to hide the cool shit they're doing from their parents, a tale as old as time. We break it down for you so you can invade their privacy more effectively.