Posts Tagged With penis lol
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Ranged Combat


Our friends at Unnatural 20 have allowed us the honor of providing them with a guest comic. So of course we made a dick joke. I mean, have you met us? It was either this or Putin.

Kinda Like Rigor Mortis, I Guess


Coming to terms with one's own mortality is often a defining realization for many people. We're way past that though. We've got bigger, longer plans.

Where's Waldo?


We took some time off recently in order to find ourselves. But instead of ourselves, what we ended up finding was a newfound love of Waldo, who, interestingly enough, also needed to be found. Today, we offer up one of our many, many solutions.

Meat Alloys and Marketing Ploys


Spam has been an ongoing annoyance since the beginning of telecommunications. Be it via telemarketer, SMS, ad-ware or e-mails, that's not a lot you can do to avoid it. In a heroic recreation of the final scene from Independence Day, Admiral Rowe hurls himself headlong into the belly of the beast. I don't have a good feeling about the outcome.



I've never trusted snapchat, but up until now it was due to my overpowering fear of ghosts.

Row Row Row Your Boat


Words are powerful, and language can be complicated, but amazingly effective at communicating even the most abstract and obscure thoughts. It is a force that is truly majestic and should be treated with the utmost respect. Or used for dick jokes. Whatever.



Much like the boomstick in the timeless classic, Army of Darkness, this shotgun also holds far more ammo than others of its type. If you know what I'm sayin'.



The first guest contribution from friend of WNV Chris Collins brings us the true story of how best to maintain a good relationship with one's girlfriend.