Posts Tagged With stick that in your butt and squeeze it

When you're in the mood for a very specific kind of satisfaction, we know just the place.

In the thrilling conclusion to our Left 4 Dead 2 trilogy, we do a deep dive on topics we'd broached in the last episode. Also, we leave for a while in the middle to go pee, so like, we should all maybe temper our expectations a little here.

From the crucible of conflict and survival, there arises a question that all must answer if they are to truly know themselves. That question is... not in this video. We had a different kinda whole, thing going on here.

Well, it's all over. Everything they warned us about ended up happening. The planet is now a dessicated husk, society has collapsed into a wasteland roamed by survivors who will do anything to cling to life. Might as well have some fun!

The Buttfer
Fatherhood is a unique life experience in which you attempt to pass along all the hard-earned knowledge of your life to your children, but also like, really fuck with them at the same time.

Vertical Integration
Everyone has their embarrassing hobbies. For some of us, that's making a website full of dumb jokes; for others, it's a love of big tech. And for a certain guy named Ted, well...

The Dark Ritual
Finding someone in this world can be hard, especially when you have such high standards.

It's okay to need help sometimes. None of us can be perfect, especially in keeping up with today's fast-paced colloquialism game.