Posts Tagged With Baby

A Giant Problem


Our fair village is beset by a curse that draws in, uh, a very particular type of attack.

We've come up with the ultimate, indisputable list of all-time best baby names using the only scientific method anyone cares about in 2022: dumping a bunch of garbage into a machine learning model and seeing what happens.

Baby Testing


It is time for science to abandon our subpar standard of clinical testing on animals and enter the golden era of testing exclusively on human babies. WNV's own Admiral Rowe provides an insightful and compelling argument backed with pure scientific fact, or something.

A Different Kind of Wonder


Wonder trade is an interesting social experiment. Generous players try to send out useful or rare Pokemon, while others try to pawn off shitty ones in exchange. Sometimes shirking your responsibilities as a trainer has karmic repercussions though, and there's always gonna be someone out there shirking a little harder than you...