Posts Tagged With flirty

Ever since I was a young man, I've enjoyed the sweeter things in life. Until now. Joe Biden and the Woke Mob don't want you to be horny for snacks anymore. They want you to be flaccid, hungry, and compliant.

Burl Ives has cuckolded me this Christmas, and I fear that he may yet cuckold you as well. The Scoundrel, Burl Ives, shows no respect to the sanctity of marriage, nor to the spirit of this, the holiday season.

Net Neutrality


H...hello? Is anybody out there? There's no way to know if you're receiving this, but I've got to try god dammit. The new Net Neutrality laws have already taken effect, and we're trapped in here, trapped with no bandwidth, a fate worse than the fires of hell itself.