Posts Tagged With fuccbois

Well it's March again and you know what that means: it's SAT prep season! Do people take the SATs in March? I don't know I'm thirty-three fucking years old what do I care. Just take the quiz or don't.

Stinktober 2020
A more normal website might bring you a roundup of their fun Inktober posts. This is not that kind of website. Enjoy our month-long devolution into madness, lovingly named Stinktober 2020.

It's been a stressful couple weeks, just take a break and unwi-- oh come on dude, are you kidding me? Here?

Coil, smoke, and crackle, flame
Upon The Weave, I etch my name.
My will, inflicted, shall come to pass!
Imbue this orb with a big ol' ass