Posts Tagged With review

It's the end of a tough year, and we've all had enough of its bullshit. That's why we're going to give you some instead! Our patented AI will check through your 2020 activity and brutally dunk on you for what you've done.

I recently sat down to watch the film Thor: The Dark World. Consequently, I now have opinions regarding Thor: The Dark World.

It's September again, and for the men, women, and children still toiling in academia, that means the fall semester is starting up. To those of you who are just entering or are now returning to high school, you have my condolences. If it's any consolation, four years is pretty short if you think of it in terms of the lifetime of a star.

Are you tired? I bet you're tired, aren't you. You know why? Because you didn't sleep enough last night. You know what? Neither did I. But I'm not here bitching about it, unlike some people. Nope, I stayed up late working on this very review, just so you'd have something to read while you're not sleeping.

I would like to preface this by apologizing to 4chan, reddit, and the rest of the internet at large for taking a critical look at cats. I know it's against the oath I took when joining the internets to never question and to solemnly defend the honor of all cats, but sometimes the establishment actually doesn't know what's best.