WNV Reviews Your 2020

{ "meta": { "start": "0", "successes": [2, 4, 6, 8, 10], "failures": [], "replay_on_failure": true, "replay_on_success": true }, "pages": { "0": { "caption": "Choose a service and we'll use our advanced machine learning to scan your 2020 activity and perfectly judge you for your objectively bad taste. <span class=\"tiny\">Please note that the WNV AI neither connects to any of your services nor cares who you are and will in fact judge you regardless of whatever you have done at any point in your life.</span>", "image": "/assets/img/lol/2020-wrapped/2020.jpg", "ending": false, "actions": [ { "title": "<i class=\"fab fa-spotify\"></i> Spotify", "goto": 1 }, { "title": "<i class=\"fab fa-untappd\"></i> Untappd", "goto": 3 }, { "title": "<i class=\"fab fa-steam\"></i> Steam", "goto": 5 }, { "title": "<i class=\"fab fa-twitter\"></i> Twitter", "goto": 7 }, { "title": "<i class=\"fab fa-safari\"></i> Browser History", "goto": 9 } ] }, "1": { "caption": "Calculating the most targeted possible sick burn...", "image": "/assets/img/lol/2020-wrapped/neural-net.jpg", "ending": false, "triggerFunc": "calculateWrapped", "actions": [ { "title": "Ready! Show me!", "goto": 2 } ] }, "2": { "caption": "God you really just ran that one playlist right into the ground, huh? Sucked all the marrow out of that bone, damn. But that's okay! Good on you for finding what worked for you and sticking with it.", "image": "/assets/img/lol/2020-wrapped/spotify.jpg", "ending": true, "actions": [ { "title": "Analyze more of my stuff" } ] }, "3": { "caption": "Compiling personalized owns…", "image": "/assets/img/lol/2020-wrapped/neural-net.jpg", "ending": false, "triggerFunc": "calculateWrapped", "actions": [ { "title": "Ready! Show me!", "goto": 4 } ] }, "4": { "caption": "Whoa! You really drank a...a whole...wow. You know what? You drank exactly as much as you felt was right for you this year, and that's fine. Who are any of us to judge each other for doing whatever they needed to this year?", "image": "/assets/img/lol/2020-wrapped/untappd.jpg", "ending": true, "actions": [ { "title": "Analyze more of my stuff" } ] }, "5": { "caption": "Generating value judgements against your poor decisions…", "image": "/assets/img/lol/2020-wrapped/neural-net.jpg", "ending": false, "triggerFunc": "calculateWrapped", "actions": [ { "title": "Ready! Show me!", "goto": 6 } ] }, "6": { "caption": "Boy that is really what you might call \"niche\" content right there. Didn't know they could sell that kind of stuff on the Steam Store. Found what you were into and went hard at it, I see. I get it. You didn't let this year get to you, and you kept yourself out of trouble. Good job!", "image": "/assets/img/lol/2020-wrapped/steam.jpg", "ending": true, "actions": [ { "title": "Analyze more of my stuff" } ] }, "7": { "caption": "Synthesizing objectively true insults…", "image": "/assets/img/lol/2020-wrapped/neural-net.jpg", "ending": false, "triggerFunc": "calculateWrapped", "actions": [ { "title": "Ready! Show me!", "goto": 8 } ] }, "8": { "caption": "That is a lots of scrolling. Just, miles and miles on an utterly meaningless treadmill. It's my job to look at this stuff and I gotta say, this is a lot. But hey, that just shows the distance you were willing to go to stay connected this year, right?", "image": "/assets/img/lol/2020-wrapped/twitter.jpg", "ending": true, "actions": [ { "title": "Analyze more of my stuff" } ] }, "9": { "caption": "Enumerating everything wrong with what you've done...", "image": "/assets/img/lol/2020-wrapped/neural-net.jpg", "ending": false, "triggerFunc": "calculateWrapped", "actions": [ { "title": "Ready! Show me!", "goto": 10 } ] }, "10": { "caption": "Found: a lot of visits to Warranty Now Void. Whoa, whoa, what the fuck is all this shit, are you kidding me? This is disgusting and you should really be ashamed of yourself. This guy is some kind of death cult leader? Otaku Borat? Saint Joseph the most cucked man in human history? I'm reporting this to someone. I don't know who, but, someone. Forget everything else I said before, you're a monster.", "image": "/assets/img/lol/2020-wrapped/wnv-hole.png", "ending": true, "triggerFunc": "animateWrapped", "actions": [ { "title": "Analyze more of my stuff" } ] } } }