Posts Tagged With Unbiased Newsmanship

The goal of journalism is to help people understand the world they live in and inform their decisions. That's why it's always best to soberly report the facts in as un-biased a way as possible. Except when there's a WICKED FUCKIN' STORM COMIN THROUGH, AH FUCK!

Just because the mainstream media is speaking with one voice doesn't mean they can drown out ours. That's right, WNV is taking our boldest stance yet: we should not destroy the Earth.

Breaking News
Oh shit, get out your phones and iPads and change the channel on your TV, it's a WNV News Team Breaking Alert!

Net Neutrality
H...hello? Is anybody out there? There's no way to know if you're receiving this, but I've got to try god dammit. The new Net Neutrality laws have already taken effect, and we're trapped in here, trapped with no bandwidth, a fate worse than the fires of hell itself.