Posts Tagged With Coronavirus



You ever get invited somewhere that turns out to be a different vibe than you were expecting altogether?

Ah, reality, the place we all know and love and agree is totally a real thing that exists and everything. ...or so we THINK!

WNV has decided to pivot from jokes to serious, in-depth analysis. From now on, all our posts will be detailed explainers on topics that we know our big-brained readers will appreciate as purely intellectual exercises, starting with today's totally hypothetical...oh. Oh geez.

This year, we've had to skip a lot of the usual traditions, so to help out our readers, we've done all the trick or treating we could handle and documented it here, so you can stay safely at home. Just as good as the real thing!

Interview With G. Randy Wins


In an interview on Wednesday with Extended Warranty co-host Pope, the up-and-coming online provocateur Gerard Randolf Winston took questions about his growing popularity and about what drives his fairly unique brand of politics.

Our Favorite Quarantine Recipes


It's a weird time out there! Unlike us, some of you may not have had years of experience living in near-total isolation from the rest of society as a whole, so we've compiled a list of some of our favorite recipes for all kitchen skill levels.

It's been a stressful couple weeks, just take a break and unwi-- oh come on dude, are you kidding me? Here?

Doodoo Diligence


Even during trying times, it's important to follow regulations. Wait, what's that? We threw them all in the trash? Well, remember to have fun then.

This is the same rationale I used to get drunk when I had the flu in college. It didn't work then either.

Corona Comix


Desperate times call for dipshit measures.