Posts Tagged With Don't do this. Seriously.

I haven't unlocked the conflict de-escalation skill tree yet and it's beginning to have a slight effect on the storyline.

Press Release: Fork Those Fascists
Earlier this week, WNV received an unsolicited press release, and because we didn't come up with anything to post, we have decided to do the responsible thing and print it here in its entirety without review.

WNV has decided to pivot from jokes to serious, in-depth analysis. From now on, all our posts will be detailed explainers on topics that we know our big-brained readers will appreciate as purely intellectual exercises, starting with today's totally hypothetical...oh. Oh geez.

Just because the mainstream media is speaking with one voice doesn't mean they can drown out ours. That's right, WNV is taking our boldest stance yet: we should not destroy the Earth.

This is the same rationale I used to get drunk when I had the flu in college. It didn't work then either.

Corona Comix
Desperate times call for dipshit measures.

You wake up with a jolt, more excited than you can ever remember being. You’ve finally made up your mind, and today is the day. The day you’ll finally do everything right and achieve your dreams. Today is the day you become a Juggalo.

How am I Driving?
We've all been there. Driving behind someone who clearly shouldn't be trusted with the responsibility. What's more rare is getting the opportunity to truly understand this other driver.

In an effort to continue staying "hip" and "with it" we have stumbled upon one of the latest trends taking place in da club. Needless to say, we have canceled all such efforts for the future.