Posts Tagged With drugs

Blaze It
On the highest holiday of the year, we take a look into how Scott and Pope intend to celebrate.

Teens using cool teen slang to hide the cool shit they're doing from their parents, a tale as old as time. We break it down for you so you can invade their privacy more effectively.

Stinktober 2020
A more normal website might bring you a roundup of their fun Inktober posts. This is not that kind of website. Enjoy our month-long devolution into madness, lovingly named Stinktober 2020.

We went back to the Left 4 Dead 2 well, but in our defense Valve did it first. They released their first DLC in 8 years a few short months after we used their game to discuss shoving eggs up our asses. Message received, Gabe. Message received.

In the thrilling conclusion to our Left 4 Dead 2 trilogy, we do a deep dive on topics we'd broached in the last episode. Also, we leave for a while in the middle to go pee, so like, we should all maybe temper our expectations a little here.

From the crucible of conflict and survival, there arises a question that all must answer if they are to truly know themselves. That question is... not in this video. We had a different kinda whole, thing going on here.

Success in Left 4 Dead 2 relies on communication, strategy, and collaboration. Now, 11 years later, we investigate a new meta: rolling around in and hurling sewage at each other while Rochelle and Ellis take care of the scary bad men.

Home Improvement
Any renter or home owner who has ever attempted doing, well, anything in an older building has had the pleasure of discovering relatively new concepts in construction like "safety" and "durability beyond the next ten minutes".

How am I Driving?
We've all been there. Driving behind someone who clearly shouldn't be trusted with the responsibility. What's more rare is getting the opportunity to truly understand this other driver.

In an effort to continue staying "hip" and "with it" we have stumbled upon one of the latest trends taking place in da club. Needless to say, we have canceled all such efforts for the future.