Posts Tagged With this says a lot about society

Participating in Democracy


The beauty of our system is that whenever an issue affects you, you can simply vote and instantly see the change-- wait hold on, maybe I just need to vote again, harder.

Stinktober 2020


A more normal website might bring you a roundup of their fun Inktober posts. This is not that kind of website. Enjoy our month-long devolution into madness, lovingly named Stinktober 2020.

Interview With G. Randy Wins


In an interview on Wednesday with Extended Warranty co-host Pope, the up-and-coming online provocateur Gerard Randolf Winston took questions about his growing popularity and about what drives his fairly unique brand of politics.

Free Wi-Fi!


Oh, thank you very much for the coffee, and the Wi-Fi password is what again? Ah, yes, wonderful, I'll just be at my table



Extremely complex social situations can be challenging for many people. Likewise, really simple ones when you're idiots like us.

Welcome to part three, the exciting conclusion of our series in which we delve deeply into our own idiot brains in ways we never thought, or wanted to.

Canine Society


In an effort to better understand the socialization habits of dogs we carefully studied their behaviors together for many long hours, finally coming to one conclusion: dogs are fuckin nasty, dang.